27th March: Trans*solidary information stand at the University of Lüneburg

What is Trans*? What is transphobia? How can solidarity with trans* persons be lived? And above all: how can we become together a gender justice movement that is inclusive rather than exclusive? On Thursday, 27.2, in the lecture hall corridor on the main campus, we want to address these questions, learn from each other and exchange ideas. Let us form alliances!

Together we want to position ourselves against transphobia and look forward to the international women’s* day on March 8th.  Come by for tea and cake (against donation) from 10:00 to 16:00 o’clock.

[Information material is available in German, English translations on demand].

Place: Leuphana University, corridor between the lecture halls on main campus, Universitätsallee 1.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1026664537697511/